India Meaning of Life Movies Scholarship/Erudition

The Sacred is the Profane

As part of his studies, UC#2 was reading The Sacred Is the Profane: The Political Nature of “Religion” by William Arnal and Russell T. McCutcheon “This hard-hitting collection overturns common ideas about religion. Arnal and McCutcheon argue that ‘religion’ has no independent existence but is rather the unstable creation of political and economic forces. These […]

Adventures of the Elders Food India

A Night in the Life of an Elder

Here’s a “night in the life of an elder” story: It’s 4 AM and I am up for my two-hourly hobble around the house a few times to work the cramps out of the new knee. As I pass by the stairs that lead to the command centre, I can hear a faint, high-pitched tone. […]