America Current Events DPOMLATMIR Heros - NOT

Blasphemy and Idolatry

One of the scariest aspects of TrumpWorld (and there are many) is that he is encouraging his followers to consider him the anointed one, the chosen one, the persecuted Christ. Trump shares bizarre biblical video saying God made him to be America’s ‘caretaker’ Republican gives full vent to messiah complex on eve of Iowa caucuses […]

Animal Kingdom DPOMLATMIR Russia

Russia: Cold Enough for ‘ya?

Russia is having trouble keeping the lights on. I remember the optimism of the late ’90s, when we naively thought that Russia would be a grown-up country, we would all work together to make the world a more stable place, we could turn our nuclear swords into nuclear plowshares[2]. But greed and lust for power […]

DPOMLATMIR Heros - NOT Late Stage Capitalism

Price Courage

The New York Times has an interesting article on the “Price Courage” of huge corporate poultry processors – they had the gizzards and guts and gumption to band with their fellow middle men to refuse wage increases to their workers and unilaterally raise the price of chickens. And of course, this being ‘Merica, they got […]

DPOMLATMIR Late Stage Capitalism

Carbon Capture and the Unit Tree

Interesting article in today’s New York Times concerning carbon capture. The first US commercial carbon capture plant (Heirloom Carbon Technologies) went on-line in California. This reminds me of an Onion article: “Top 10 Products to Battle Consumerism.” Kim Stanley Robinson, in The Ministry for the Future, give us so much to think about: It is […]

DPOMLATMIR Heros - NOT Late Stage Capitalism Work-Life Balance

Vortex of Immorality

[ed. note: “Vortex of Immorality” is a quote from Mark Dixon, referring to Unilever’s corporate behavior.] Today WLBOTT presents the first DPOMLATMIR[1] award. [1] DPOMLATMIR – Don’t Pee On My Leg And Tell Me Its Raining This is in response to an opinion piece by Catherine Bennett in yesterday’s Guardian. Ms. Bennett…. So…. Unilever, maker […]