Antarctica Bulgaria Will there be a buffet?

Mother Bulgaria

Today’s stream of consciousness: Unicorn => National animal of Scotland => Country personifications (Uncle Sam, etc) => Mother figures/national personifications (Lady Liberty, etc) => Mother Bulgaria => Mother Bulgaria Pantheon Memorial => Gurgulyat, Bulgaria => Sofia, Bulgaria => Rage against the Soviet Union Many countries have personifications to symbolize aspects of their national character. An […]

Antarctica TechnoBLOTT The land, the people, the culture

Antarctica Rocks!

Randomly got to talkin’ with UC#2 about meteorites in Antarctica. This was the result of a semi-sequitur from a recent BLOTT about paper clips, and the earliest known archaeological connection between people and iron was from found meteorites. Not knowing much about Antarctic meteorites, it seemed like an interesting BLOTT. As it turns out, as […]


The Loneliness of the Long Distance Blogger

Thanks to Unindicted Co-conspirator #1 for today’s destination. Destination: Devon Island, CA Distance from Austin, Texas: unknownDistance from Santa Barbara, California: unknown Distance from Edmonton, Alberta: unknown (but in km) WLBOTT Status: ApprovedWill there be a Buffet?: No ¿Cómo se dice “doofus” en ruso? “дурак” In Cyberspace no one can hear you scream Update: How cool is the Austin […]