Late Stage Capitalism Mildly Interesting The land, the people, the culture Work-Life Balance

Rope Making

[thanks to UC#3 for today’s BLOTT topic] Dear UC#4 – excellent idea. But if the pandemic taught us anything, we can’t be dependent on supply chains and we must be flexible in our product requirements. Thus, I introduce a two part concept: 1 – Expand the definition of ‘twine’ to include ‘rope’ – aka ‘trope’. […]

Late Stage Capitalism WLBOTT Corporate

Corporate Xmas: For the Children

The children of WLBOTT twine production workers were invited to frolicking day of fun and presents! Santa was in a bit of a mood, though….

Late Stage Capitalism WLBOTT Corporate Work-Life Balance

Lucrative Corporate Nap Pod Market

For those of you who missed yesterday’s WLBOTT board meeting, the board voted 27 ⅐ to 3 (with 19 abstentions) to enter the lucrative Corporate Nap Pod market. Late Stage Capitalism Analysis Our WLBOTT marketing team thought that naps were the one thing that couldn’t be monetized. Wrongo-Bongo! Medical Recommendation Sleep deprivation costs the U.S. […]

Late Stage Capitalism TechnoBLOTT

A Computer Blessing

It’s interesting when doing a Google search for “computer blessing”, the results are almost always paired with “curse”. Something to ponder. But it’s a great day at WLBOTT headquarters. After years and years of being under the oppressive thumb of Spectrum, we are now surfing with Google fiber. It took a full half hour to […]

DPOMLATMIR Heros - NOT Late Stage Capitalism

Price Courage

The New York Times has an interesting article on the “Price Courage” of huge corporate poultry processors – they had the gizzards and guts and gumption to band with their fellow middle men to refuse wage increases to their workers and unilaterally raise the price of chickens. And of course, this being ‘Merica, they got […]

Late Stage Capitalism TechnoBLOTT WLBOTT Corporate

WLBOTT – The Website of Last Recourse

We came upon an interesting phrase in yesterday’s BLOTT: the “library of last recourse”. In the context of the Boston Public Library, this means “all adult residents of the state are entitled to borrowing and research privileges”. But it can also have a darker meaning. A University of Alabama research project uses the phrase in […]

Curated Absurdity Fine Arts Late Stage Capitalism

Foray into the World of Tiny Art

WLBOTT proudly announces our first corporate art piece: Purple Pixel #5c0881 (electron beam on cathode ray tube) Purple Pixel #5c0881 is available in a variety of frames: Plein Air Art Purple Pixel #5c0881 can also be considered an example of Plein Air Art: Purple Pixel #5c0881 on Tour Purple Pixel #5c0881‘s recent European tour was […]

Fine Arts Late Stage Capitalism

Wind Chimes

[Thanks to UC#1-SU for today’s topic!] World’s Largest Wind Chime The world’s largest windchime was made by Jim Bolin and is located at 109 East Main Street, Casey, Illinois. The windchime was entered into the Guinness World Records as the Largest Windchime on June 22, 2012. The windchime measures 12.80 m (42 ft) long and […]

Fine Arts Late Stage Capitalism Music Scandinavia

The Götterdämmerung Syndrome

The book Ministry of the Future is still rattling around in our collective WLBOTT heads. How can people not see the undeniable? Author Kim Stanley had to place himself in a very dark place to understand the “burn it all down” attitude. He understands Our Republican Friends’ response to climate change: “The Götterdämmerung Syndrome, as […]

DPOMLATMIR Late Stage Capitalism

Carbon Capture and the Unit Tree

Interesting article in today’s New York Times concerning carbon capture. The first US commercial carbon capture plant (Heirloom Carbon Technologies) went on-line in California. This reminds me of an Onion article: “Top 10 Products to Battle Consumerism.” Kim Stanley Robinson, in The Ministry for the Future, give us so much to think about: It is […]